Jollibee now buys sibuyas bombay from Bukidnon farmers

BUKIDNON NEWS | BUSINESSES IN BUKIDNON | CONSUMER | IMPASUGONG BUKIDNON – The next time you eat at the nearest Jollibee branch, you might want to ask if the onions in your Champ burger are from the Municipality of Impasugong, Bukidnon.

Through a public-private partnership, Bukidnon farmers, particularly those from Impasug-ong, can now supply and sell onion bulbs or sibuyas bombay to one of the country’s largest food chains – Jollibee Foods. The project is dubbed “Bridging Farmers to the Jollibee Supply Chain.”

sibuyas bombay onion bulbs spring

The project is piloted for one year in selected towns around the Philippines.

Apart from sibuyas bombay, other high value crops will be bought by Jollibee from farmers. The crops will be used by Jollibee in their more than 600 stores and fastfood branches nationwide.

Jollibee has two branches in Bukidnon – one along Fortich Street in Malaybalay City and another one along Sayre Highway, Valencia City.

Personally, this has the makings of good PR — on the part of Jollibee, it’s good corporate social responsibility. On the part of the farmers, it’s a great way to earn a steady living.

So the next time you decide where to eat in either Malaybalay or Valencia, you might want to consider eating at a place which support the local farmers.

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