If you had to tour a foreigner in Bukidnon, where will you take him?

A few weeks ago, a French tourist who wanted to visit and see Bukidnon contacted us. He said he has always wanted to visit the Province of Bukidnon and he already had places to go in mind — Malaybalay City and BuDa (Bukidnon-Davao border). Someone else already toured him around Manolo Fortich, he said, so he wanted to see the capital of Bukidnon for a change.

That chance to tour around a French visitor triggered a lot of realizations — first, if a foreigner would want to come and visit the province and he or she does not know anyone in Bukidnon at all — can he or she receive assistance from the local tourism offices? Or would that foreign tourist merely receive pamphlets, flyers or even the link to a website? Second, if a foreigner comes to Malaybalay City or any other area in Bukidnon for that matter, will he or she be guided with maps, street signs or perhaps info boards about what to do, where to go, where to stay, what to eat, what to buy in Bukidnon?

bukidnon foreigner tourist


So if you had the chance to tour a foreigner around Bukidnon, where will you take him or her? And why?

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