Bukidnon State University celebrates 2nd year

CITY OF MALAYBALAY, MINDANAOBukidnon State University (BSU) will celebrate its 2nd Anniversary next week. Bukidnon State University, formerly Bukidnon State College (BSC) will celebrate its 2nd year on June 10, 2009 (Wednesday).

Activities include a mass, motorcade, the launch of the BSU SMART sim, inaugural activities of students, cultural show (chorale, dance troupe), singing contest (to be participated in by the teaching and non-teaching personnel), personnel duet and a “doble cara” singing contest among students.

I’m pretty interested with the BSU SMART SIM launching. Sounds cool 🙂


Should any of you plan to take photos during the Bukidnon State University 2nd anniversary, please feel free to share them with Bukidnon Online. We will give you proper credit 🙂 Please CONTACT US or send an email to bukidnononline@gmail.com

Cheers and congratulations to BSU!

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