Bukidnon Election Watch: Flores leads over Agripo

BUKIDNON NEWS | BUKIDNON UPDATES | POLITICS | ELECTIONS – BukidnonOnline.com, your Bukidnon community blog, will publish partial and unofficial results as they become available. This is our way of keeping everyone informed with the updates in Bukidnon in relation to the May 10, 2010 elections. Again, may we reiterate that the results published here are partial and unofficial.

As of 10:15 PM tonight, May 10, 2010, the race for the Bukidnon 2nd District congressional seat reveals that incumbent Malaybalay City Mayor Florencio T. Flores, Jr. is leading over Liberal Party bet and Bukidnon 2nd District Rep. TG Guingona chief of staff Engr. Wenifredo Agripo.

Numbers from Valencia City COMELEC sent to Bukidnon Online reveal these numbers:


Flores – 16,817

Agripo – 12,020

Meanwhile, on the national level, here are the digits:

Erap Estrada – 12,836

Noynoy Aquino – 11,297

For Vice President:

Mar Roxas – 13,899

Jejomar Binay – 12,793

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