Two die in Manolo Fortich road mishap

MANOLO FORTICH | BUKIDNON NEWS | BUKIDNON ONLINE – A road accident at Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon took two lives early morning yesterday, March 17, 2011. Danny Mulanta and Diopel Cabansaga died while 6 others got injured after their bus rammed into a parked 10 wheeler truck.

Those identified as injured were bus conductor Anthony Catayoc, Sanny Ariraya, Jonie Cuevas, Benion Aninayon, Antonio Labora and Merlinda Sepra.

Police reports state that the bus came from Cagayan de Oro City and was bound for Kibawe, Bukidnon.

Both the bus driver, Peter Casimsiman, and the driver of the parked truck, Reynaldo Kinuntao, will face charges. Casimsiman will be charged with reckless imprudence resulting to multiple homicide and physical injury. Kinuntao’s charges will stem from the fact that the parked truck, which accordingly malfunctioned, had no warning device to alert motorists.

Casimsiman said that their bus met another vehicle along Purok 7, Barangay Maitum, Manolo Fortich. He said he was blinded by the headlights of the oncoming vehicle and did not see the parked 10-wheeler truck.

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