Tag Archives: Kibawe

‘Ghost town” Kibawe; mayor proud of constituents

Kibawe, Bukidnon is a virtual “ghost town.” This is good news, however, according to Kibawe Mayor Reynaldo Rabanes, since it means that his constituents are properly following government-issued mandates in relation to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 pandemic. On the town’s social media account,

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No updates yet on Kibawe Bukidnon cop murder

Bad news again here in Bukidnon. Unfortunately for the family of the recently slain policeman in Bukidnon, there are no leads yet or any other updates. Except for the fact that the Bukidnon Provincial Police Office continues to investigate the incident. According to news reports,

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Young girl dies from meningococcemia

BUKIDNON NEWS | BUKIDNON ONLINE – This piece of Bukidnon news is really worrisome. Anybody else startled with these developments? According to news reports, a 7 year-old girl succumbed to the deadly illness called meningococcemia. The young girl is from Kibawe, Bukidnon. The victim’s name

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