Palace declares March 10 a special non-working day in Bukidnon

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on Monday declared March 10 as a special non-working day in Bukidnon.

The declaration is contained in Proclamation No. 2009, signed by Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita by authority of the President, to enable Bukidnon residents to celebrate the 93rd founding anniversary of the province with appropriate ceremonies.

Bukidnon, known as the “Pineapple Capital of the Philippines and the Food Basket of Mindanao,” became a regular province in March 10, 1917.

Highlighting the province?s 93rd Founding Anniversary is the “Kaamulan Festival (social gathering)” that was conceptualized in 1974.

Kaamulan” aims to establish and gain national identity for the hilltribes in Northern Mindanao, likewise, making these highland tribes become strong and self-sufficient through their assimilation into the mainstream of society.

The festival features agricultural and livestock shows, food fest, sports, cultural and thanksgiving activities featuring the indigenous people from the different hill tribes of the province.

Rich in cultural heritage and flourished with scenic spots, Bukidnon is destined to be a tourist attraction in Northern Mindanao. (PIA Bukidnon)

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