New Bukidnon governor means new policies

BUKIDNON ONLINE | BUKIDNON NEWS | POLITICS | GOVERNMENT – The Province of Bukidnon has a new governor in the person of Alex Calingasan. After 9 years, Jose Ma. “Nonoy Joe” Zubiri, the former governor now Bukidnon Vice Governor, has made way for a new man to take helm…or has he? Ah, but that’s another blog post.

In the meantime, let’s check the new policies set by the new Bukidnon governor. These policies are supposed to be for all Provincial Government of Bukidnon officials and employees.


Under Memorandum No. 3 series of 2010 dated July 1, 2010, Calingasan has ordered the following:

– that all chiefs of office and employees attend the 1st Monday convocation program (not really a new policy since this has always been made mandatory; it’s just that not everyone follows this rule)

– that all chiefs of office submit the attendance sheet (with names of those who really attended the convocation program) to the Provincial Human Resource and Management Office

– that if an employee fails to attend the convocation program, he or she is deemed absent for the entire day (there are, however, exceptions. Exempted from this particular rule are the employees assigned at all government hospitals)

Bukidnon Gov. Alex Calingasan also reportedly requires all employees to:

– listen to the speaker/s during the convocation program

– be attentive especially during the prayer part

– be diligent in their work and have good work ethics

– clean offices every last Friday of the month (just like what schoolgirls and schoolboys do!)

– plant trees on a certain Friday every month

– wear uniforms every Monday (the respective department heads will then determine what to do for the rest of the week)

Meanwhile, department heads are required to submit to the Governor’s Office an Accomplishment Report for the period January 2010 to June 2010. Monthly accomplishment reports should also be submitted no later than the 10th of every month.

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