Former Bukidnon congressman now Presidential Adviser Neric Acosta suspended for 90 days

Former Bukidnon First District Congressman and now Presidential adviser on environmental protection and Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) General Manager JR Nereus “Neric” Acosta has been suspended.

Acosta is facing a 90-day preventive suspension.

This, after the Sandiganbayan 4th division ordered him suspended for allegedly misusing his PDAF funds when he was still a Bukidnon congressman. PDAF stands for Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF).

Acosta was charged with graft charges for allegedly misusing Php 2.5 million.

Malacanang Palace Deputy Spokesperson Abigail Valte said that Acosta will follow the order.

Acosta himself said that he will follow the 90 day suspension order but stressed that it does not mean that he is already admitting to the charges.

Acosta had this to say about his suspension:

“I will submit to the process and abide the court order. I respect the institutional process and jurisprudence that says a preventive suspension can be imposed even when the accused occupies another position from that when the alleged transgression took place. This does not mean admission of guilt. I adhere to the fundamental principle that all public officers must be held accountable at all times.”

Weeks ago, Acosta said that he cannot be suspended because “suspending him is tantamount to suspending the President himself because as a Cabinet member, he is not covered by civil service rules and cannot be suspended.”

Acosta was appointed presidential adviser last year. See the video of his oathtaking here.

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