Tag Archives: acosta

Neric Acosta, Coring Acosta charged with perjury

BUKIDNON NEWS – Former Bukidnon Congressman and current Presidential Adviser on the Environment JR Nereus Acosta and his mother, former Manolo Fortich mayor Socorro Acosta, are charged with perjury by the Office of the Ombudsman. According to a news report, the Ombudsman has charged Neric

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Neric Acosta soldiers on towards hope and change

BUKIDNON | PERSONALITIES | POLITICS | FEATURES – (BukidnonOnline.com) He may have lost his bid for a senatorial seat in the recently concluded elections but Mindanaoan and former Bukidnon First District Rep. JR Nereus “Neric” Acosta says the end is nowhere near. In fact, Acosta,

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