Did Bukidnon send a contingent to the Sinulog 2010?

MUSINGS | KAAMULAN FESTIVAL | BUKIDNON NEWS | EVENTS IN BUKIDNON – Couldn’t help but wonder if the Province of Bukidnon sent a contingent to the recently concluded Sinulog 2010 Street Dancing Competition. Remember this article that Bukidnon Online posted last year?

Senator Juan Miguel “Migs” Zubiri said that, along with the Department of Tourism and with the help of Tourism Secretary Ace Durano, his office will sponsor the winning contingent of the Kaamulan 2009 Ethnic Street Dancing contest and send the group to Cebu and Iloilo to showcase the Kaamulan dances in both the Sinulog and Dinagyang festivals.

Now my question is — did this ever push through?


Or is this another case of pledges and promises?

With the Kaamulan Festival 2010 just around the corner, will there ever be an explanation?

Also, I can’t help but wonder if Secretary Durano did good on his promise to increase his office’s support to the Kaamulan Festival 2010 to P1 Million.


By the way, Tribu Sinanduloy of Tangub City, Misamis Occidental bagged the Sinulog 2010 street dancing competition award. They also won the Sinulog-based category anew.

Read the story here.

If ever Bukidnon really didn’t send a contingent to the Sinulog Festival 2010, well then, that’s too bad. The province could have had a shot at winning half a million pesos.

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