Central Mindanao University bestows honoris causa on Sen. Migs Zubiri

MARAMAG | CAMPUS IN BUKIDNON | BUKIDNON NEWS – Central Mindanao University, located at Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon, recently conferred an honoris causa on environmental science on Senator Juan Miguel “Migs” Zubiri. The conferment was held during the centennial celebration of CMU. Central Mindanao University is one of the premiere universities not only in Mindanao but in the entire Philippines.

Photos below courtesy of Sen. Migs Zubiri:

honoris causa for senator migs zubiri


*L-R – Malaybalay City Mayor Ignacio Zubiri, Bukidnon Gov. Alex Calingasan, Sen. Migs Zubiri and Maramag Mayor Alice Resus

alicia resus and senator juan miguel zubiri

* Sen. Migs Zubiri with Maramag Mayor Alice Resus

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