Bukidnon is the vote richest province in the country

If you’ve been wondering why a lot of national politicians have been visiting the Province of Bukidnon lately, wonder no more. According to a news report published in Mindanews, Bukidnon is the province with the most registered number of voters.

Bukidnon reportedly has 658,697 registered voters, according to the Commission on Elections’ records as of March 17, 2009.

The Province of Bukidnon, which has three congressional districts, is now considered the vote richest province among all of Mindanao’s 25 provinces.


Mindanao has a total voting population of 11,365,385 million as of COMELEC ’s March 2009 record. The 2007 government census says Mindanao has a population of 21.58 million.

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