Association of Bukidnons in America gives medical equipment to Malaybalay

The Association of Bukidnons in America (ABA) has donated medical equipment as well as other medical accessories to the Malaybalay Emergency Rescue Unit 117 (MERU 117) last May 16, 2011.

ABA Officer Dennis Metiam, who represented ABA President Carmen dela Cerna who was reportedly in the US, led the turnover.

Metiam, along with other ABA officials, gave the brand new medical equipment to Malaybalay City government officials.Among those donated were electrodes pads for children and adults, automated external defibrillator with complete accessories, professional finger pulse oximeter, manual suction pump by ambulance and automated external defibrillator maintenance inspections records.

All of the donations reportedly cost more than P300,000.00

Kudos to ABA!

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