Senator Noynoy Aquino, Senator Mar Roxas et al to visit Bukidnon this weekend

BUKIDNON NEWSBukidnon Online just got word. Senator Noynoy Aquino, Senator Mar Roxas and other Liberal Party personalities are set to visit Bukidnon this weekend. The group will reportedly visit Malaybalay City and Valencia City, two of the more populous areas here in the Province of Bukidnon.

Well, we all know why they’re visiting…no need to say, yes?


The group’s final itinerary will be sent to this Bukidnon blog in a few hours so please stay tuned for that.

In the meantime, Bukidnon Online also got word that AKBAYAN Rep. Risa Hontiveros – Baraquel is currently in Malaybalay City for a visit as well. Ma’am Risa has plans of running for senator in the 2010 elections.

Senator Noynoy and Senator Mar, on the other hand, also have plans to run in the May 2010 elections. As we all know, Senator Noynoy will run for president while his veep will be Senator Mar.

Bukidnon Online will try to take photos. Stay tuned.

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