Post Bukidnon Jobs Fair thoughts

Before anything else, a little disclosure. Bukidnon Online, the largest interactive blog about Bukidnon, was a sponsor in the recently concluded Bukidnon Jobs Fair 2010. Apart from donating a small amount to help augment the sinking fund of the Provincial Employment Services Office (PESO) which is under the Provincial Human Resource Management Office, also sponsored the livestreaming or online coverage of the said event. We also posted updates of various job openings in Bukidnon or job opportunities for anyone from Bukidnon all throughout the day. We also answered queries posted on our live shoutbox.

July 16, 2010, the day of the Bukidnon Jobs Fair, attracted over 3,000 visitors all over the world. A total of 3, 328 visitors, in fact. Yep, you can say that it truly was a pretty good day for us here in Bukidnon Online.

A couple of post-event thoughts, though.

1. It seemed that there was a lesser number of applicants this year. One factor would probably be the fact that it’s already July and a lot of graduates may have already found jobs since March. Another factor would have probably been the most recent national elections. We all know how crazy elections can be. Still, it would have been nicer if there were more job applicants who attended the fair. It would have meant that more people would be given the chance to clinch the job that they want or even need.

2. Couldn’t help but wonder how the Bukidnon Jobs Fair was promoted or advertised. Were the members of the Bukidnon mainstream media duly informed about this? Or did the Bukidnon mainstream media require a certain “advertising fee” before helping disseminate information about this important event? While we do understand that media outlets need paid advertisements to survive, the Bukidnon Jobs Fair should be treated as pure community service. Which brings to mind one of the reasons why Bukidnon Online decided to finally conduct a Blogging 101 and How To Earn Through The Internet workshop very soon. We’re obviously users and advocates of new media and it’s about time that other people in Bukidnon use the power of the Internet not only to earn good, reliable income but more importantly, to help promote what SHOULD be promoted in Bukidnon.

3. We thought that the line-up of recruiting companies and other recruitment agencies could have been better. Don’t get us wrong. We’re thankful that there at least were companies and agencies that participated in the jobs fair. We all know that unemployment is one of the main problems not only in Bukidnon but in the rest of the country. However, there were more recruiters who needed domestic helpers instead of I.T. people or teachers or nurses. Again, and allow us to emphasize, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with job openings for domestic helpers…but what does that say, really?

What does that say about the agency/agencies that extended the invitations to the companies/recruitment agencies? And more importantly, WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT THE GRADUATES/JOB APPLICANTS IN BUKIDNON? Certainly, all Bukidnon jobseekers aren’t only good for domestic work, yes?

Perhaps next time more companies should be invited. Companies that need skilled workers. Companies that need teachers (Bukidnon State University alone produces hundreds of teachers each year), business graduates, information technology people (Bukidnon has I.T. schools such as STI, AMA and even San Isidro College has a few I.T.-related courses) and the like.

4. The participation of the National Statistics Office, Department of Foreign Affairs and the National Bureau of Investigation was commendable. Their presence made it easier for the job applicants to get pertinent documents such as birth certificates, passports and NBI clearances. Of course, it was inevitable that a lot of people came not because they want to apply for jobs but to apply for documents.

5. It was good to see that the Philippine Army and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency were there to recruit people. At least there were two government agencies who opened doors for interested applicants. Personally, however, what we wanted to see was the participation of government agencies like the Department of Education – Bukidnon, the Philippine National Police and even the Provincial HRMO! Truth be told, government offices such as these three are often associated with “palakasan” – i.e. only those who are “duol sa luwag” or “lakas” can be hired. We’re thinking that if offices such as these can open doors to interested applicants, they’ll have a better image and the public will no longer think of them as if they’re Alcatraz and see them in a different light, ‘ika nga. Never mind if the application letters will only be duly received and included in the database. These days, people only need that CHANCE to at least submit their application and try their luck.

6. Perhaps more LOCAL JOB OPPORTUNITIES should be encouraged. This way, the jobseekers get local employment, they stay in Bukidnon, they pay taxes in Bukidnon, their employers pay local taxes…basically all fiscal-related stuff remain or revolve in Bukidnon. So perhaps the organizers can invite more local business establishments next time.

Well, we have more thoughts to share but these shall do for now.

The aforementioned were shared not to discredit the organizers or the companies/recruiters (NO SIR!) but to hopefully make the next job fairs better, more effective ones. We’re sure that the organizers, especially the people over at the Provincial Personnel Office, would understand and acknowledge that there’s always room for improvement and at the end of the day, what’s truly important is that the Bukidnon Jobs Fair 2010 was conducted and that it was a success.

And of course, Bukidnon Online will not hesitate to sponsor the succeeding jobs fairs 🙂

So allow us to thank and congratulate the companies and recruitment agencies that participated in the recently conducted jobs fair. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Congratulations and thank you to the Department of Labor and Employment – Bukidnon as well!

And of course, our biggest and warmest congratulations to the PHRMO under the leadership of Sir Oscar Belderol and PESO chief Ruth Jacutin (thank you very much, Ma’am Ruth!). We all know how difficult it must have been to prepare everything but we bet your passion to serve and do your jobs well kept you guys going.

A special mention to my friend Bukidnon 2nd District Board Member Atty. Jun Beltran, too. He is, after all, the author of that provincial ordinance that calls for an annual jobs fair in the province.

And to all of my friends over at PHRMO – Suzette, Rey, Ma’am Tanitz, Ma’am Virgie, Ma’am Vivian, Tita Elma – you guys rock! Congrats to Miss Mayella and Sir Emmy, too!

Looking forward to the next Bukidnon Jobs Fair 🙂

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