Pinoy Big Brother Teen Clash Big 6 member Bret Jackson II will be in Bukidnon

Bukidnon-based fans of Pinoy Big Brother Teen Clash of 2010 must be very excited by now. One of the alumni members of Pinoy Big Brother Teen 2010 will be in the Province of Bukidnon in the next few days. Bret Alan “Bret” Jackson II or simply Bret Jackson II is reportedly set to visit Bukidnon on November 28, 2010. Bret Jackson II is one of the teenternational housemates of Pinoy Big Brother Teen Clash of 2010.

An American, Bret likes to skateboard and his favorite color is green. He has lived in the Philippines for 7 years. Proficient in playing the guitar, Bret Jackson II also sings.

S0 who among you are excited to see this Justin Bieber look-alike?

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