Malaybalay City Police Station FB admin blasts “undesirable” principals, school staff

MALAYBALAY CITY NEWS | BUKIDNON ONLINE | BUKIDNON NEWS – So apparently some people, particularly parents, school principals and school personnel are criticizing the Malaybalay City police team these days. We don’t know the details but if we read between the lines, we could somehow understand what’s going on.

What’s interesting about this is that for one, the Malaybalay City police team has admitted that there is only ONE policeman available for every 3,000 (gee, thanks for reminding us!) and second, they took their response against these allegations to Facebook.

Can’t help but wonder if the Malaybalay City police team issued a formal response at all (i.e. a press release or a formal media statement) or did they just merely focus on Facebook? (is this even allowed and is this even professional to do?)

The following text was lifted verbatim (meaning no word has been changed at all) from the Malaybalay City Police Station Facebook profile (which reminds me…whoever maintains this profile should really take the time out to check the grammar)

Malaybalaycity Police Station had already been tasked with various duties and mandates and despite its depleted strength with approximately 1:3,000 police to population ratio, though so stressful and tiresome, we are performing at our best coz we are trying to meet the public’s expectation and thus provide quality services within our mandates.

Should the Police be further tasked to run after high school students who went on cutting classes? Is it not the parents, faculties and staff and more so the principal concerned be the one to take actions? Then why should this concerned high school principal/staff blame the Police for their FAILURE on their students? Then when refused of their request, complained and made unfounded issues to our higher PNP Office to discredit Malaybalay City Police Station… Wow so desirable educators…..

Inasmuch as we would like to help the school authorities, but it would sound so so unfair that the school authorities concerned be “DAWLIMS” or receiving salaries from the people’s money for their supposed responsibilities but pass on to the Police their mandates… So undesirable for them… A lot more people are needing the rightful services of the police rather than giving in to them.. Except when while in the performance of their duties, their lives and limbs be at risk, then perhaps we can provide security but needs to be processed and validated of the actual threat.. If they cannot perform their duties, they better resign and give way for more capable school administrators….

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