MAFIA bands to jam tonight in Malaybalay City – come one, come all!

MALAYBALAY CITY NEWS – Around nine bands from the Malaybalay’s Finest Artists (MAFIA) group will jam tonight, November 13, 2009, starting at 7PM at Escoto Store along Magsaysay Street, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon. It will be a Friday the 13th sort of street cum musical jam featuring Malaybalay’s top bands. Admission is FREE!

Among the bands that will see action in tonight’s affair are Skunk, Kidnon, Krusipix, Karcinoma, Bloodlust, Fuzzmena.

This regular music event is ably supported by Malaybalay City Mayor Florencio T. Flores, Jr., San Miguel Beer, Bukidnon Online and ASTERISK Events and Communications.

DSC_0286Michael, vocalist of Krusipix band. Photo by ASTERISK Events and Communications

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