Local rap artists compose song for Jay Jasper Santoninio, Joseph Rodrigo
A certain “DJ DON,” whom we presume is one of the singers in this video gave us the heads-up on this a few days ago. A local rap group called “Stilo Mickropono” has composed a song entitled “City of Crime” which calls for justice for slay victim Jay Jasper Santoninio. If you’re not familiar with what happened to Santoninio, a young Bukidnon State University teacher, you can read it up here.
We’re posting this video because Bukidnon Online admires each and every effort that’s made in order to educate the public about safety and security as well as those that are made in order to drum up the local government and the local police. We also admire people who use their talents and skills to express their opinions – in this case, the people behind Stilo Mickropono used their God given talents in songwriting and singing to express their stand on a sensitive issue. We commend them for this.
Check out the video of their demo song “City of Crime”:
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