Independent Malaybalay councilor bet Gellor accuses admin of poster removal

Independent candidate for Malaybalay City councilor Jimmy Gellor, Jr. has openly accused the administration for allegedly removing his election paraphernalia and even described the ruling party as “power drunk.”

Gellor said that the admin, led by re-electionist Malaybalay Mayor Ignacio “Inaki” Zubiri and the rest of the Bukidnon Paglaum Party, allegedly deployed government employees to remove his posters. He cited one incident at Upper Pulangui where these employees were allegedly caught removing his posters. “Busa man diay gaka wala akong posters,” he said.

jimmy gellor

In public posts on his official social media accounts, Gellor also said that fellow independent candidate Venus Melendez‘s posters were also taken down.

“Under the principle of command responsibility, their act constitutes the act of their boss. Kun kaya nila abusohon ang mga kandidato, unsa na lang kaha ang yanong lungsuranon? Ingon ana ka balasubas ang administration. Mao kini ang pamaagi sa langyaw nga naghari kanato karon!,” he wrote.


Gellor also posted in the comments section (verbatim): “Their deeds reflects the principle of the leadership dat dey represent. bulok nga pamulitica ug bulok pud nga pangagamhanan- power drunk!!!” (sic)


Gellor, a former councilor, is seeking a seat this May 9, 2016 elections. In 2013, he withdrew his candidacy, citing personal reasons. At the time, he was supposed to be a part of the Aldeguer – Sajulga team under Aksyon Demokratiko Party.

* Photo and screenshots from Jimmy Gellor, Jr.’s Facebook account.

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