Google Mapping Party for Bukidnon is a go! Mappers, please check this for reminders
YES, YES, YES! The much-awaited Google Mapping Party in Bukidnon (and for Bukidnon!) is finally a go this Wednesday, April 27, 2011. is very proud to again be at the forefront of what’s highly regarded as a historical event – this Bukidnon blog will lead the first ever Google Mapping Party for Bukidnon!
A mapping party is an event where you, your friends and others who have (preferably) laptops with fast Internet connection come together in order to map their locale — in this case, Bukidnon, of course! This “mapping” can be done with the help and use of Google Map Maker and together, all cartographers (that means you, me and everyone else who will join this Bukidnon Google Mapping Party!) get to add and edit roads, streets, highways, business establishments, schools, banks and many more.
Following a review for accuracy, new additions and edits are incorporated in Google Maps for millions of people around the world to see and use!
How exciting is that? And you, Bukidnon mappers, will be part of this historical event on Wednesday!
As you guys may very well know by now, a detailed map of Bukidnon with correct street names, for instance, can really help tourists and even the local residents themselves!
Also, if you happen to be a Bukidnon business owner, this mapping party can also help boost your business since potential customers can now find it easier to locate you!
This Google Mapping Party for Bukidnon, by the way, is duly recognized by Google! Yey!
Here’s hoping that you guys are as excited as I am! Here are several IMPORTANT REMINDERS please:
1. You would need a Google Account (i.e. Gmail – if you already have a address, that’ll do!) – if you still do not have one, just go to and register for FREE. PLEASE DO THIS BEFORE YOU ARRIVE AT THE VENUE. I noticed that a few attendees still do not have Google accounts — please get a Google username ASAP
2. Please bring a laptop (recommended), a netbook (recommended) or any other Internet-ready gadget — wireless Internet connection will be provided
3. Please bring your own EXTENSION WIRES for your gadget/s
4. Please order your lunch and snacks from the venue. This will be our way of supporting the owners of the venue
5. Please note that we must wear the Google Mapmaker t-shirt on Wednesday. The shirts, all courtesy of Google, will be handed over to you before the start of the activity
6. Please bring your cameras and/or videocams. Let’s document the activity together!
7. For bloggers, please blog about the activity. For non-bloggers, please share your photos and info about the activity through your social networking sites (i.e. Facebook, Twitter etc)
8. PLEASE COME ON TIME – 10 a.m. sharp please
Best if you can come before 10 a.m. so that you can get your shirts.
9. This early, please try to learn how to map. We will map together on Wednesday but please view these resources so that you will already have an idea of what to expect on Wednesday:
To learn more about mapping on Google Mapmaker, visit
This Google Mapping Party for Bukidnon is proudly organized VOLUNTARILY by and in cooperation with public relations agency ASTERISK Events and Communications
Thank you to Google Philippines for the t-shirts and invaluable assistance as well
SO BUKIDNON MAPPERS — SEE YOU ON WEDNESDAY!!! It’s history in the making, folks!!!
2 thoughts on “Google Mapping Party for Bukidnon is a go! Mappers, please check this for reminders”