Eruption band takes fourth slot in ongoing Kaamulan Jam 2009 Lock and Load Battle of the Bands

eruptionbandMALAYBALAY CITY, BUKIDNON – Another band has earned the right to compete in the grand finals night of the Kaamulan Jam 2009 Lock and Load Battle of the Bands. Malaybalay City-based band “Eruption” won in last night’s fourth elimination round held at the Capitol Stage, Capitol Grounds, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

Event organizer Engr. Bobby Azura said that nine bands were supposed to perform last night. However, Kisolon-based “Hyteria” band did not show up. “Sinister” band, meanwhile, was disqualified because one of their members already played for another band earlier this week. Event rules and procedures state that performers should only play for one band during the entire 5-day competition.

“Sinister” band still had the chance to “jam” last night, however. The said band sang two songs on stage.

Tonight, Friday, February 27, 2009, the last batch composed of 9 bands will see action at the Capitol Grounds. Bands from Cagayan de Oro, Davao City, Manolo Fortich, Valencia City, Quezon and Iligan City are set to compete for the last slot which will earn them the right to compete in Saturday’s grand finals.

The list of the competing bands may be found HERE.

A grand prize of P25,000.00 cash will be given to the winner on Saturday. Other prizes include P15,000.00 (second prize), P10,000.00 (third prize) and two consolation prizes of P5,000.00 each. In other words, each of the qualified bands are already assured of receiving at least p5,000.00

Kaamulan Jam 2009 Lock and Load Battle of the Bands is sponsored by the Provincial Government of Bukidnon, Bukidnon Gov. Jose Zubiri, Jr., San Miguel Beer (Walang Katulad), Engr. Bobby Azura, Azura Band, Malaybalay City Eagles Club,, Bon Aserios Photography and ASTERISK Events and Communications. (BUKIDNON ONLINE MUSIC)

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