Category Archives: Bukidnon Updates

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Proposed Bukidnon Fourth District now approved in Lower Congress

BUKIDNON ONLINE | BUKIDNON NEWS | BUKIDNON UPDATES | PROVINCE OF BUKIDNON | BUKIDNON FOURTH DISTRICT – Lower Congress or the House of Representatives has recently approved an act re-apportioning the Province of Bukidnon into 4 legislative districts. Bukidnon Second District Congressman Florencio Flores, Jr.

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Bukidnon Consumer Welfare Month schedule of activities

In order to promote consumer welfare and broaden the scope of consumer education, DTI Bukidnon has lined-up several activities to mark this year’s celebration of the Consumer Welfare Month. A radio program on the basic rights and responsibilities of the consumers will kick off the

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Is Bukidnon ready for a mall?

BUKIDNON – Is the Province of Bukidnon ready for a mall? We first posed this question in a social networking site a few days ago and we garnered various reactions. Here are some of them: 1. Why not? Make the retailscape exciting 2. What will

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