BukidnonOnline.com to go social in a few weeks

Hi everyone! Just a very quick announcement about some changes here in BukidnonOnline.com In a few weeks’ time (or in a few days’ time, if we’re lucky!) this blog about the Province of Bukidnon will soon see a major change — BukidnonOnline.com will be a full blast social networking site! This means that not only will Bukidnon Online have a blog and all its regular and existing features, you, our dear readers and followers, will also have the power to register an account, log in and contribute content such as articles, data, links and photos! You can also interact with other BukidnonOnline.com members, leave comments on their pages and posts etc.

How’s that for our big project this year? 🙂

We’re implementing these changes because we know that a lot of you want to share specific stuff with family and friends. We also know that the Bukidnon Online community is growing real fast and that there’s a need to provide more features for you all so that you can easily discuss, share and contribute Bukidnon-related stuff with the world!


So there you go. We hope you guys are as excited as we all are!

Thanks again for your support 🙂 Please help spread the word about BukidnonOnline.com!

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