26th APO National Biennial Convention all set this week

Cagayan de Oro is all set to host the 26th National Biennial Convention of the Alpha Phi Omega Philippines Inc. on May 26-29, 2011 at Atrium, Limketkai Center.

Hotels and different hostel in the city have been properly coordinated to ensure comfortable accommodations of the numerous delegates coming from different places. The tourism industry is also expected to flourish, thus, event organizers did not missed to coordinate with the City Tourism Office.

To welcome attending delegates and invite more members of the organization from all over the country and abroad, fraternity brothers and sisters of APO ORO CITY ALUMNI ASS.,Inc. (APO-OCAA), Regional Director Atty. Ombra “ Ogie” C. Gandamra, Regional Director , National Commission on Muslim Filipinos and some Collegiate APOs guested at an early morning show on May 19, 2011.


Dr. Vic Cinco and RD Atty. Ogie , designated spokepersons during the “ Pamahaw Espesyal” interview, remarked about the highlights and the thrust of the four day event. They also promoted the different outreach activities of APOs here in the City, under its four fold programs of Service anchored on its founding principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service.

Hon. Vice President Jejomar C. Binay, a leading APO member will be coming for the event, said Dr. Cinco . (written by Tata Vallejos)

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