Were Beltran and another companion involved in a fist fight with another camp?

UPDATED: BukidnonOnline.com received a phone call from Lantapan Bukidnon councilor Sulpicio Gallano, Jr. or Jun Gallano and he said that he was not involved in this alleged fist fight.

BUKIDNON | COMMENTARY | GOVERNMENT – A few weeks ago, we posted a question to all of our Bukidnon Online Twitter account followers and Bukidnon Online Facebook page followers. We also even asked the administrators of the Province of Bukidnon Facebook page to help us get the pulse of the public.

What we wanted to ask was — should public officials as in government officials be more careful when they are out in bars, clubs etc? Should they post photos where they’re shown drinking, smoking etc? That question didn’t come at a better time.


Interestingly, just a few nights ago, Bukidnon Online received word that two groups got involved in an altercation of sorts at the Malaybalay City Night Cafe. What made this ruckus a little more interesting was the fact that two government officials were involved.

Bukidnon Second District Board Member Nemesio Beltran, Jr. or more known as Jun Beltran and a companion were in a group that allegedly got involved in a fist fight with another group.

Needless to say, all the players in this story had something to drink that night.

Beltran allegedly went to the city police station to file a blotter report. We’re not sure who the members of the other group were. Honestly, we’re not interested to know the nitty gritty details of this anymore. What we’re interested to know are these:

– should this be a reminder to government officials to be more careful now

– should government officials continue to be seen in public while they’re drinking, smoking etc

– will there be punishment against the members of the other group

– will this affect the political career of Bukidnon Board Member Jun Beltran

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