Tag Archives: bukidnon governor

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Zubiri bares senatorial picks

BUKIDNON NEWS | POLITICS – Incumbent Bukidnon Gov. Jose Ma. Zubiri, Jr., who’s now gunning for a vice gubernatorial seat, recently bared his senatorial slate picks. The question now, though, is will the people of Bukidnon still listen to him and vote for his senatorial

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Bukidnon guv plans to resign from LAKAS

BUKIDNON NEWS | BUKIDNON | POLITICS | PERSONALITIES – After endorsing Nacionalista Party standard bearer Manny Villar, Bukidnon Gov. Jose Zubiri now has plans of resigning from LAKAS CMD KAMPI. This is his way of pre-empting the ruling party’s plan of “sanctioning” and most probably,

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