Sen. Chiz Escudero: No let up running after crooks in the military, but preserve the institution

Amid the scandals and corruption unraveling before the congressional inquiry into the misuse of military funds, Senator Chiz Escudero said these investigations should hold accountable those who took advantage of the coffers of the armed forces for personal gain without destroying the institution itself.

“I still believe that majority of our officers and men in uniform are honest and hardworking. It would be a disservice to lump them together with those crooked individuals,” Escudero said.

Escudero, chairman of the Senate committee on national defense and security, said that in all these ongoing investigations there should be a conscious effort to always preserve the integrity of the institution as a whole no matter how many rotten men belong to the armed forces.

“The truth stares us in the face that greed and its monopoly have corrupted the military institution and for this, those who raided the military coffers and raped its system must be held accountable. The investigations should work as to make these crooks know that they are not invincible and that they are not above the law,” Escudero added.

According to the senator, former military generals Angelo Reyes, Carlos Garcia, Jacinto Ligot and whoever is into corruption do not comprise the whole armed forces.

“They are the just the little dirty party in the military, the biggest party is still made up of men who work with risk and sacrifice. These are our soldiers who live and die in the name of the country’s freedom and democracy,” Escudero said.

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