Quick reminders before you vote on May 10, 2010

BUKIDNON | BUKIDNON NEWS | BUKIDNON UPDATES | BUKIDNON POLITICSBukidnonOnline.com would like to share some reminders that you may want to consider before you cast your vote on May 10, 2010. Remember, the elections on Monday, May 10, 2010 is a historical one. It’s the Philippines’ first ever automated elections and as someone who’s set to take part of this democratic process, you must also bear in mind some important details.

First off — have you found your precinct yet? If you haven’t, please read this article that we posted earlier. There, you can find details on how you can locate your precinct online.

On the day of the elections, don’t forget to bring your VOTER’S ID, an extra valid ID (just in case), a bottle of mineral water or anything that can quench your thirst and a pen and a piece of paper (you may want to write down your preferred candidates beforehand).


PAG-ASA weather reports say that due to an intertropical convergence zone, Mindanao may experience rainshowers on Monday so you may want to bring an umbrella as well.

Bukidnon Online also suggests that you DO NOT wear a shirt that has political statements or has any statements that seem to endorse a particular politician or party. You will be denied entrance.

You must NOT also wear a baller ID that endorses a politician or political party. This is considered electioneering so refrain from using that baller ID.

Take note of the nearest police station and first aid station. You never know when you may want to seek assistance.

Please REFRAIN from accepting bribes, money in exchange for your vote or any goods in exchange for your vote. Remember, YOUR VOTE IS YOUR POWER. You wouldn’t want to sell your power, would you?

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