Mindanao Bloggers Summit 3 pre-registration now open! Join us on October 24, 2009 at Cagayan de Oro City
Mindanao Bloggers Summit 3 is on! Finally, the most-awaited yearly event for all Mindanao Bloggers is now open for pre-registration. Mindanao Bloggers Summit 3 will be held on October 24, 2009, 8am to 5pm at Pearlmont Inn, Limketkai Drive, Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao.
The 3rd Mindanao Bloggers Summit will hold the theme “Mindanao Bag-uhon ang Panan-aw.”
I warmly invite all Bukidnon Bloggers to attend this blogging event. Not only will you get to meet fellow Mindanao-based bloggers but you will also have the chance to participate in a forum where we exchange ideas on how to use the power of blogging, the Internet, new media and latest technologies to help change, modify or make better the world’s perception of Mindanao.
The Mindanao Bloggers Summit 3 event will also be a great kick-off for our plans to beef up the Bukidnon Bloggers group which, by the way, you can join by CLICKING HERE.
Join Mindanao Bloggers Summit 3! Head on down to the official MBS 3 website and register.
See you there
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