Medical-veterinary-legal-family counseling mission on December 13, 2009

MALAYBALAY CITY NEWS | EVENTS | SOCIETY | SERVICE – Hi everybody! Happy weekend to all of you! Any plans for Saturday and/or Sunday? Bukidnon Online seriously needs to take a break from all the hoopla so we’re staying home the entire day.

Here’s a quick piece of information that we got from our very good friend, Reuel Gallo, owner of one of our most favorite restaurants in Bukidnon, Rey’s Grill and BBQ:

The University of the Philippines Alumni Association (UPAA) Bukidnon Chapter will hold a Medical-Veterinary-Legal-Family Counseling Mission on December 13, 2009 from 8 am to 11am at the Malaybalay City Covered Court (Freedom Park).

We told you it was quick 😉

So for those of you who’re interested to avail of medical, veterinary, family counseling and legal services, don’t hesitate to visit Freedom Park on Sunday morning. Look for Rey or for any UPAA Bukidnon Chapter member. We’re pretty sure they’d be more than glad to help 🙂 Don’t forget to let them know that you read the announcement only here in Bukidnon Online!

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