Kaamulan Ethnic Street Dancing Competition to see 8 contingents

KAAMULAN FESTIVAL 2011 | BUKIDNON ONLINE | BUKIDNON NEWS – All roads will lead to Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, the capital of the province, on Saturday, March 5, 2011 as the most awaited Kaamulan Festival Ethnic Street Dancing Competition 2011 will take place. Considered the biggest crowd drawer every Kaamulan Festival, the ethnic street dancing competition this year will see the participation of eight (8) contingents.

These are the areas in Bukidnon that will be represented during the 2011 Kaamulan Ethnic Street Dancing Competition:

Malaybalay City
Valencia City
Manolo Fortich


The street dancing competition on Saturday will begin at 7 A.M. The starting point will be at Sumpong area. The contingents will then pass through Fortich Street, the main thoroughfare in Malaybalay City. The contingents will then converge at the Capitol Grounds for the second part of the competition – the ground presentation.

Every contingent will also have a float. These floats will be included in the float competition. (BukidnonOnline.com)

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