Kaamulan Festival 2018 Ethnic Tribal Olympics

The Kaamulan Festival is an annual gathering of the 7 hill tribes of Bukidnon. This means that while there may be musical events, celebrities, band shows and all those modern events during Kaamulan, let’s not forget our indigenous brothers and sisters. This Bukidnon festival is THEIRS and as such, we should always give utmost importance to their culture and tradition. The Bukidnon tribes must always come first!

One of the events during the ongoing Kaamulan Festival 2018 that truly highlighted their rich and unique indigenous cultural heritage was the Ethnic Tribal Olympics or Ethnic Sports or “Alu-Alu” in Binukid language.

kaamulan festival 2018 tribal olympics


Representatives from the Bukidnon, Higaonon, Manobo, Matigsalug, Talaandig, Tigwahanon, and Umayamnon tribes challenged each other in at least 18 ethnic sports:

kaamulan festival 2018 tribal olympics

Lit-ag (traditional hunting and inland fishing skills),
Bag-id ha Kagtubo (fire building),
Kag-asud/Bevayu daw Pasili hu Humay (rice pounding),
Banlak (tug of war),
Galing ta Batu hu Kamais (corn grinding),
Duso (pestle pushing),Sagakad/Akew (still race),

kaamulan festival 2018 tribal olympics

Kagbiak/Gurey (timber splitting),
Kagpana (archery),
Kagbunlawit (spear throwing),
Dasay/Magalang ha Badi,
Dumadasig (cheering),Pulagey (track and field),kaamulan festival 2018 tribal olympics

Babaha/Tiang (carrying of humans),Sumpit (blow dart),
Bis-aya Pulagey (marathon),
Palatek (dagger throwing) and
Talembu (cooking).

kaamulan festival 2018 tribal olympics

kaamulan festival 2018 tribal olympics

During the event, the tribes also treated the spectators to a dance.

You can watch the video here below:


kaamulan festival 2018 tribal olympics

kaamulan festival 2018 tribal olympics

kaamulan festival 2018 tribal olympics

kaamulan festival 2018 tribal olympics

kaamulan festival 2018 tribal olympics

All photos and videos used here were taken by and owned by the Bukidnon Online Kaamulan Festival 2018 team led by Benedict and Daniel. Thank you!

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