Happy blog anniversary, Talbuks Cafe!

This is just a quick shoutout to our fellow Bukidnon Bloggers Group member, Talbuks Cafe! Talbuks Cafe is a blog about the goings on in the Municipality of Talakag, Bukidnon and just a few days ago, this Talakag blog just celebrated its 3rd blogversary (blog anniversary)! Woot woot!

Talbuks Cafe is authored by a certified “taga-Talakag.” After living abroad for 25 glorious years, the author has returned to Talakag and through the blog, has shared so many news, updates and photos. Talbuks Cafe is one of the blogs we religiously follow so please, if you have time, add them up to your feed reader as well or just bookmark the site 🙂

And to you Talbuks Cafe – cheers! We wish you more blogversaries to come – more encounters with prose and pronouns, more debates with adjectives, verbs and nouns! 😉


Happy blogversary!

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