Category Archives: Politics

Bukidnon Online Exclusive: Zubiri and Acosta alliance CONFIRMED

BUKIDNON NEWS | BUKIDNON ONLINE EXCLUSIVE | POLITICS IN BUKIDNON – It’s confirmed. The Zubiris and the Acostas have forged a political alliance. The Zubiri – Acosta partnership, one once believed will never happen as the Zubiris and the Acostas are longtime political rivals, is

bukidnon map

Bukidnon 4th District gets Senate nod

The Senate has approved the bill seeking the creation of a 4th District in Bukidnon. On September 20, 2012, the Senate has approved on the 3rd and final reading House Bill 5236 which seeks the creation of Bukidnon 4th District. According to a press release

senator antonio trillanes iv

Government career executive system strengthened

BUKIDNON NEWS | POLITICS – The Senate has approved on third and final reading Senate Bill No. 3125 which seeks to strengthen the career executive service (CES) in the Philippine government and protect it from political interference. The principal sponsor of the bill is Senator

Voter registration requirements #BukidnonElectionWatch2013

Have you registered as a voter yet for the 2013 Philippine elections? Register as a voter in Bukidnon and let your vote be counted for the 2013 midterm elections. This entry is part of Bukidnon Online’s ongoing #BukidnonElectionWatch2013 or Bukidnon Election Watch 2013 campaign. Check

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