Category Archives: Personal

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Happy birthday, Congressman Florencio “Doki” Flores, Jr.!

PERSONAL | BUKIDNON ONLINE | MALAYBALAY CITY | PERSONALITIES – Happy birthday to Bukidnon Second District Representative-elect Florencio “Doki” Flores, Jr.! Today, June 27, 2010, is the new congressman’s special day. Before getting elected as new Bukidnon congressman, Flores was Malaybalay City’s mayor for three

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Bukidnon Online personals: Thank you to Fr. Adajar!

The people behind Bukidnon Online, the largest and by far the only interactive blog about Bukidnon, would like to sincerely thank Fr. Adajar. At a time when most, if not all, of the priests in the Province of Bukidnon were in Camiguin to attend a

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Defeated Valencia City councilor vows to continue public service

BUKIDNON | COMMENTARY | PERSONAL | VALENCIA CITY | PERSONALITIES | POLITICS – Defeated Valencia City Councilor Atty. Oliver Owen “Babba” Garcia has vowed to continue serving the public. This, despite suffering a rather unexpected failed bid in getting another term. Garcia is an incumbent

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