Category Archives: Food

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Jollibee buys 70 percent of Mang Inasal

BUSINESS | BUKIDNON NEWS – And the “bigger” food giant wins! News reports say that fastfood giant Jollibee Foods Corp. is buying a staggering 70 percent of the Mang Inasal chain of chicken restaurants for a hefty price of P3 Billion. Yes, that’s a B.

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Photo: Agri Fair 2010 at Impasugong, Bukidnon

BUKIDNON NEWS | IMPASUGONG – Thanks to our Twitter and Plurk friend Kleo Marlo, we got a hold of this photo that he took during the Agri Fair 2010 held in consonance with the 133rd Aldaw Ta Impasugong. Themed “Be Healthy Go Organic,” the Agri

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DL8 Pure Herbal Tea now available!

WHAT TO BUY IN BUKIDNON – Hello everyone! I just want to share something you guys might also want to try very soon. It’s a product co-owned by someone from Bukidnon. Introducing – DL8 Pure Herbal Tea. It’s caffeine free and aims to cleanse, alkalize,

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Sweet corn for sale along Bukidnon roads

Craving for sweet corn? Spotted this stall selling cooked sweet corn along the road between the municipalities of Manolo Fortich and Sumilao. I’m not sure, though, if it’s a good idea for them to erect that stall in between road signs. Anyways, there are several

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