Category Archives: Campus

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LOOK: Bukidnon State University gets new elevator

Bukidnon State University will soon have a new elevator. This is a good move by the Bukidnon university, led by Dr. Oscar Cabanelez, especially since this new elevator will not just mean convenience for students, teachers, staff and visitors but more so for differently abled

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3 Bukidnon State University grads top LET exam

Warm congratulations are in order for 3 awesome Bukidnon State University (BSU) elementary education graduates who are included in the Top 10 passers of the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) board exam. BSU graduate Glendie Jane Olis landed on the top 4 rank with a


Kaamulan Festival 2018 Schedule

Prepare for the only authentic ethnic festival in the Philippines. Head to the Province of Bukidnon this March 2018 and celebrate Kaamulan Festival 2018! Kaamulan Festival is the yearly gathering of the 7 hill tribes of Bukidnon namely Talaandig, Tigwahanun, Matigsalug, Higaonon, Bukidnon, Manobo and

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Ex BSU yearbook editor airs side on fiasco

As promised on our (now viral) post about a letter from a reader who complained about the “missing” Bukidnon State University yearbooks, Bukidnon Online is printing the side of the former editor-in-chief of the yearbook previously called “Pharos” (it has now been changed to “Matigda”).

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