Category Archives: Campus

Bukidnon public school classes opening date

The School Year 2017-2018 shall formally open on Monday, June 5, 2017 and shall end on Friday, April 6, 2018. It shall consist of 204 school days inclusive of the five-day In-Service Training and the four days for the Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTC) conducted every quarter.

CMU Bukidnon teacher to study in United Kingdom

A faculty member of Central Mindanao University is among the 8 candidates from various higher education institutions (HEIs) who are now officially accepted to the Newton PhD Scholarships of the Newton Agham Programme, delivered by the British Council in partnership with the Commission on Higher

philippine carabao center bukidnon maramag

Free carabao milk for 7000 Bukidnon children

A total of 7,321 children in Bukidnon will be given carabao’s milk for free. Under a pilot project of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), the free carabao milk will be given to day care center children, aged 3 to 5 years old,

lumad school malaybalay bukidnon

Lumad school put up in Malaybalay, more around Bukidnon soon

A school for our indigenous peoples (IP) or Lumad brothers and sisters has been established and will soon operate in Nasuli, Bangcud, Malaybalay City and more schools will be set up around Bukidnon. Last June 2, 2016, Department of Education Secretary Armin Luistro graced the

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