Category Archives: Campus

Northern Bukidnon Community College now a state college

The Northern Bukidnon Community College (NBCC), located in the Municipality of Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon, is now known as the Northern Bukidnon State College (NBSC). By virtue of a Commission on Higher Education resolution number 720 – 2020, the Commission En Banc has declared that the

Bukidnon Online now has an Android app — DOWNLOAD IT HERE

FINALLY! Bukidnon Online, the longest-running blog about Bukidnon, is now also the very first Bukidnon blog to have its own official Android app! Now, it’s easier to be in the know! Get easy and fast updates, relevant community news and features via the official Bukidnon


The hashtag #CMUScandal has been trending for several hours now. Interestingly, this #CMUScandal has caused quite a controversy not only because of the issue related to it but because, apparently, a lot of people including Central Mindanao University (CMU) students, professors and other stakeholders believe

CMU extension classes to be offered in Kibawe

Soon, it will be easier for residents of Kibawe, Bukidnon to finish school. This, after a proposal whereby Central Mindanao University extension classes for the first 2 years will be offered at the Kibawe campus while the remaining years, along with the required on-the-job training

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