BukidnonOnline.com Exclusive: Videos – radio interview of Atty. Adel Tamano in Bukidnon

VIDEOS | PERSONALITIES | BUKIDNON ONLINE EXCLUSIVES – Here are exclusive videos of lawyer and senatorial candidate Atty. Adel Tamano taken during his recent Bukidnon visit. Adel Tamano, who’s running under the Nacionalista flag, was interviewed via DXDB Radyo Bandilyo. Bukidnon Online was very privileged to have accompanied the young and vibrant senatoriable during his trip.

For more articles about Tamano’s Bukidnon visit, please read these:

Tamano meets Malaybalay Nacionalista Party bets
Senatoriable visits Malaybalay City Muslim community


adel tamano headshot

Anyways, going back to these videos, Atty. Adel Tamano discussed the Maguindanao massacre, what his visions for Mindanao are, how he can help improve the state of the nation, how he wants to be remembered by the people and many other issues. Check out these exclusive Adel Tamano videos!

Bukidnon Online would like to thank Atty. Adel Tamano and his entourage for their very warm accommodation 🙂 We had a blast accompanying them the entire day!

Here’s part 1:

Here’s part 2:

Enjoy and please feel free to share these videos!

Daghang salamat 🙂

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