Bukidnon hit with 24-hour brownout

BUKIDNON NEWS – The entire province of Bukidnon was recently plagued with a nearly 24 hour brownout. The blackout started at around 5 pm August 9, 2010. Power was only restored the next day, August 10, 2010 after nearly 24 hours.

According to Bukidnon Second Electric Cooperative (BUSECO), the power outage was caused by a pole that supposedly hit 5 other poles in the Musuan, Maramag area. Because of the perceived “domino” effect, the 69 KV line that connects municipalities and cities from Kibawe, Bukidnon all the way to the first district of Bukidnon was affected and resulted in the province not having electricity for nearly a day.

BUSECO officials say that they should not be blamed for the fiasco.


Meanwhile, we’re interested to know just how many millions were lost in terms of supposed profit from businesses because of the nearly 24-hour blackout.

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