Bamboo band to perform during Kaamulan Festival 2009

Bamboo (photo by Irene, and Online can finally confirm this exciting piece of news! The Office of Senator Juan Miguel F. Zubiri confirmed with Bukidnon Online today that the popular band BAMBOO is set to perform on March 7, 2009 during the Kaamulan Festival 2009 celebrations.

Bamboo band, composed of Bamboo Manalac, Ira Cruz, Nathan Azarcon and Vic Mercado, will perform at the Capitol Stage, Capitol Grounds, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

Their March 7, 2009 gig will be their third in the Province of Bukidnon. The first two were in Valencia City and Malaybalay City last 2007. Bukidnon Online had an exclusive interview with Bamboo and Ira in the former’s hotel room during their visit two years ago. Read all about it HERE.
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