All posts by Bukidnon Online

BPP chooses lawyer Tan to Malaybalay council

The Bukidnon Paglaum Party (BPP) has chosen to appoint local lawyer Atty. Luis “Chito” Tan to serve at the Malaybalay City council. Bukidnon 4th District congressional aspirant Atty. Oliver Owen “Babba” Garcia of BPP said that Tan, who has a law office located along Fortich

Valencia Bukidnon Farmer’s Market

Valencia City, Bukidnon now has a farmer’s market. Located along Guinuyoran Road (road leading towards Valencia City Water District), the Valencia City Farmer’s Market is part of the legacy of re-electionist Mayor Azucena “Sunny” Huervas. Several stalls are now operating at the said market. Check

Kaamulan Festival 2022 Schedule

After 2 cancelled annual celebrations, the Kaamulan Festival is back. The Provincial Government of Bukidnon is set to hold the Kaamulan Festival 2022 from March 23 to April 23, with a few pocket events to already start this month. The 2022 Kaamulan Festival will not

Malaybalay Mayor Flores passes away

Malaybalay City Mayor Florencio Flores, Jr. has died. He was 72 years old. Flores, who was also a medical doctor and was fondly called “Doki,” passed away February 17, 2022 at 4:59 p.m. The mayor first tested positive for the corona virus disease (COVID) last

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