Tag Archives: vice president chiz escudero

chiz escudero san carlos bukidnon airport

Sen. Chiz Escudero eyes airport in Don Carlos, Bukidnon

Vice-presidential frontrunner Sen. Francis “Chiz” Escudero said it is time to build a domestic airport in Bukidnon province to spur economic development in the “food basket” of Mindanao. Escudero lamented that Bukidnon still has no airport even if it has greater economic activities than other

Chiz Escudero asks: lift bank secrecy law

Sen. Francis “Chiz” Escudero is asking Malacañang to back a legislation he has put forward seeking to lift the bank secrecy law for government officials and employees, saying the measure is a crucial step to amending the restrictive regulation the government wants to relax for

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