Tag Archives: malaybalay news

kaamulan 2016 bukidnon

Kaamulan Festival 2016 Bukidnon

Barely 5 months after Kaamulan Festival 2015, Bukidnon is again set to celebrate Kaamulan 2016! The annual Bukidnon festival, recognized by a former Tourism Secretary as the only authentic ethnic festival in the Philippines, aims to gather the seven hill tribes of the Province of

malaybalay bukidnon birds

“Angry birds” show up in Malaybalay Bukidnon

Are these birds more of menaces or blessings? This is what Malaybalay City, Bukidnon residents are now asking after hundreds, if not thousands, of birds are seen settled on the live wires along Fortich Street, the city’s main thoroughfare. Interestingly, the birds are only seen

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