Tag Archives: malaybalay news

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Ex BSU yearbook editor airs side on fiasco

As promised on our (now viral) post about a letter from a reader who complained about the “missing” Bukidnon State University yearbooks, Bukidnon Online is printing the side of the former editor-in-chief of the yearbook previously called “Pharos” (it has now been changed to “Matigda”).

Longtime Malaybalay public servant dies

One of the longtime Malaybalay City public servants, who also happens to be a Lumad, died today, June 19, 2017. George Damasco, also popularly known as everyone “Uncle George,” passed at 4:39 AM today, according to his daughter Yani. On her Facebook page, Yani posted:

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Parasat Cable TV to offer prepaid plans

PARASAT Cable TV is set to formally launch their new offering – prepaid cable TV. Based on initial information, PARASAT Cable TV will offer the prepaid cable services for as low as Php 6 per day. There will be up to 98 channels available and

Malaybalay resident stabbed in CDO

A Malaybalay City, Bukidnon resident was stabbed in Cagayan de Oro, a city about 2 hours away. Twenty five year old Rico Serano was stabbed during an April 6, 2017 incident at an eatery in Cogon, CDO. Serano, a worker at Remember Me Fastfood and

laga ta bukidnon 2017

Miss Bukidnon 2017 Laga Ta Bukidnon winners

The Miss Bukidnon 2017 winners have been announced. The pageant, held last March 17, 2017 at the Kaamulan Open Theater in Malaybalay City, is also called Laga Ta Bukidnon 2017. The winners are: Laga Ta Bukidnon 2017 Doreen Khrystel P. Gonzales of Malaybalay CityKlook.com 1st Runner

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