Tag Archives: malaybalay news

Pacquiao – Thurman fight free live streaming

Good news for Pacquiao and Thurman boxing fans! The Manny Pacquiao versus Keith Thurman boxing match will be streamed live and for FREE on Sunday, July 19, 2019! Catch the Welterweight World Championship match between Manny Pacquiao and Keith Thurman at two areas around Malaybalay

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Dengue deaths in Bukidnon triple in 2018

This is really alarming news. According to the Bukidnon Provincial Health Office Chief, the number of deaths in Bukidnon allegedly caused by dengue has tripled in 2018. Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease. A PNA news report written by Bukidnon-based reporter Mel Madera stated that

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Malaybalay City Fire Station gets new uniforms

The Malaybalay City Fire Station recently received new sets of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). A total of 24 sets of protective uniform were given and the amount totaled to Php 471,000.00. Malaybalay fire aides will be using these new sets of uniforms during fire calls

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