Tag Archives: Kaamulan Festival

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Laga Ta Bukidnon 2014 Bb. Bukidnon candidates bared

Photos of the Laga Ta Bukidnon 2014 or Binibining Bukidnon Centennial beauty pageant have been released. The Laga Ta Bukidnon Centennial Pageant is one of the highlights of the month-long Kaamulan Festival 2014 and Bukidnon Centennial celebration. Check out the updated Kaamulan Festival 2014 schedule

Auditions for Kaamulan street dancing, pageant Impasugong bets on

KAAMULAN FESTIVAL 2014 – The municipal government of Impasugong, Bukidnon has released a call for auditions in line with the upcoming Kaamulan Festival 2014 and Bukidnon Centennial Celebration. Interested performers who want to be a part of Impasugong’s contingent for the Kaamulan Street Dancing Competition

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